It’s impossible to stop self-comparison as a perfectionist. You.Are.Going.To.Compare.Yourself and here’s the best way to do it! Discover 6 empowering ways to rewire unhealthy self-comparisons, perfectionism trash trades, how to tell if you’re fear-based striving, live coaching on 4 IRL examples of c...
Tactical "stop it" approaches to self-comparison DO NOT WORK for perfectionists. Find out WHY along with the hidden costs of comparing yourself, why the approach you’ve taken to stopping self-comparison hasn't worked, what you actually need to do and scientifically what causes perfectionists to have...
Comparing yourself all the time? Tired of feeling like you never quite measure matter how much you accomplish? It's not just YOU! Discover the sneaky specific ways self-comparison shows up for perfectionists, the difference between self-awareness + self-coaching, why self-comparison is not y...
Tired of getting tangled in your own words? Overcomplicating it? Asking "Does that make sense?" at the end of every sentence? Discover why you can't stop talking (even though you REALLY want to), the science behind overexplaining for perfectionists, how overexplaining is harmful to your health menta...
Craving Certainty? That need to be absolutely, undeniably, 100% sure before making a move? You’re not alone. In this episode, I unravel why the struggle of dealing with uncertainty holds high performance perfectionists back, how to recognize it in your own life and take control of the fear uncertain...
Are You Waiting for the Right Time? It’s time to stop waiting for the perfect time. Feeling 100% ready (or whatever ideal set of conditions you’ve been waiting for) is an illusion that keeps you from taking charge of your life right now. Learn how to recognize if you’re giving your power over to ide...
Ever wish you had more confidence? Too many driven perfectionists wait for more confidence before making bold moves, mistaking insecurity for preparation. But waiting is killing your confidence slowly. 'm clearing up all the confusion around getting more confidence so you can stop waiting for it to ...
Lifelong learner but not taking bold action? I used to wait for more time, more confidence, more certainty, more information, more money and more support. I’d get MORE of what I was waiting for….and still find excuses to keep waiting. Until one day I quit waiting for more. Find out why perfectionist...
Imagine feeling empowered, calm and grounded. You trust yourself. The incessant judgey voice in your head has been replaced with a witty, encouraging narrator. Your relationships built on truth. You say no to stuff you don’t want to do, without explanation. You take care of yourself FIRST. You've up...