What Happens When Perfectionists STOP WAITING FOR More Information
October 05, 2024

What Happens When Perfectionists STOP WAITING FOR More Information

 Lifelong learner but not taking bold action? I used to wait for more time, more confidence, more certainty, more information, more money and more support. Then I’d get MORE of what I was waiting for….and still find excuses to keep waiting. Until one day I quit waiting for more. Find out why perfectionists love to wait for more, precisely how this keeps you stuck and what happens IRL when perfectionists stop waiting for more information. 

Ready to enjoy the life you've worked so hard to create? Waiting for more on the sidelines won't get you there. Uncover how to joyfully play in the arena of your life by rewiring your perfectionistic tendencies inside Perfectionism Optimized, private 1-1 coaching that gives you the life-long skills to *finally feel* as amazing on the inside as your life looks on the outside. Get your stress-free start today at https://courtneylovegavin.com/optimized


Resources Mentioned In Episode 240:

Perfectionism Optimized 1-1 Private Coaching

Fixed Mindset Perfectionism Rewired Ep. 234

Unlearning Learned Helplessness Perfectionism Rewired Ep. 202

6 Self-Sabotaging Patterns Perfectionists Unknowingly Nurture Perfectionism Rewired Ep. 215

The Sneaky High Performance Habit Holding You Back Perfectionism Rewired Ep. 140

Perfectionism is very powerful. But only if you know how to leverage it. For more on optimizing your perfectionism go to courtneylovegavin.com

Get the BEST insights from today's episode + time-stamped show notes by subscribing to The Perfectionist Guide newsletter. To access + subscribe go to: https://courtneylovegavin.com/newsletter

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