Do your mistakes make you cringe? Say goodbye to the burnout of excellence and learn how to rewire your perfectionism for success without the stress. Discover the four transformative phases of permanent change, the role of your reticular activating system in changing perfectionistic habits, importance of novelty and playfulness in rewiring the brain and action steps to start correcting your perfectionist tendencies today!
If you're ready to quit fighting against your perfectionism forever and want a proven, science-backed approach to permanently rewiring your perfectionistic habits so you can be joyfully ambitious, you gotta check out my 1-1 coaching Perfectionism Optimized! Get relief today at
Listen to the Full Episode To Hear:
- Why novelty is your ally and how to create it on command
- The Four Phases of Rewiring Perfectionism Simplified
- How neuroplasticity is essential for rewiring perfectionist habits
- Activate your brain's Reticular Activating System (RAS) to notice change and accelerate your progress
Step-by-step to Sustainable Permanent Change
1 Waking Up Phase: Recognize new insights and apply them, accepting it's a gradual process.
2 Momentum Phase: Build intentionality and observe the impact of your actions.
3 Make or Break Phase: Experiment, analyze + learn from experiences to solve and evolve.
4 Habit Phase: Solidify new behaviors, knowing some old habits may persist but won't dominate or be your default
5 Seek Guidance: Consider expert coaching like Perfectionism Optimized to gain solidified atomic habits
"You're not just reprogramming a habit, you're reprogramming your response to life." - Courtney Love Gavin, Perfectionism Rewired Episode 177
01:23-The Perfectionism Dilemma for High Achievers
02:41-Misconceptions around permanent change and mistakes
03:18-Role of science in developing solid self-compassion
04:19-Four phases of permanent change
06:39-Going from feeling victimized by mistakes to seeing them as learning opportunities
07:26-Your Reticular Activating System's role in manhandling mistakes
08:22-Why Sustainable change is a process, not a one-time event.
09:58-Creating Novelty So You're Brain Doesn't Get Bored
11:06-How to Analyze Your Mistakes without Judgment
11:59-Actionable steps to start understanding your own perfectionistic tendencies
Perfectionism is very powerful. But only if you know how to leverage it. For more on optimizing your perfectionism go to
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